

Ohio State seal

The Most Important Laboratory Equipment

As graduate students we have the privilege of completing our own ‘wet-work’ for our research projects. There are a lot of adjectives, both positive and negative, that can describe that experience…

Ohio State seal

Regular vs plant-based inks: What’s the difference?

Occasionally you will find something like “printed with soy-ink” on magazines, cereal boxes, and other labels.  While it’s presented as a boon…

TPS Fellow Ashley Yates

TPS fellow Ashley Yates wins Department of Entomology award

TPS fellow Ashley Yates was awarded the Department of Entomology's 2018 Lowell R. Nault Research Award during a departmental recognition event on May 23rd. This award recognizes the best graduate…

Ohio Soybean Council logo

TPS Fellow Irene Gentzel to complete internship with the Ohio Soybean Council

TPS student Irene Gentzel has just begun a communications internship with the Ohio Soybean Council (OSC) of Worthington, Ohio.  FLM Harvest, an agriculturally-based strategic marketing firm,…

Ohio State seal

Don’t Forget the Soft Skills

Graduate students can easily fall victim to tunnel vision.  We are focused on our specific discipline and often let professional development fall on the wayside.  I myself was especially…

Ohio State seal

Why Does My Dog Eat Grass?

I recently adopted a greyhound named Dogtor, Doc for short. Doc is a wonderful dog, who has what I thought to be a strange habit of grazing in my backyard. I feed him a high-quality grain-free…

TPS Fellow Ashley Yates

TPS fellow Ashley Yates wins third place in poster competition

In March, TPS fellow Ashley Yates attended the North Central Branch Entomological Society of America conference in Middleton, Wisconsin. While there, she presented a poster titled "A metabolomics…

Ohio State seal

My experience as an intern in agriculture industry

During the summer of 2017, I was fortunate to have the opportunity to work as an intern in Research and Development (R & D) in Entomology at Dow AgroSciences. I was there for 3 months, and I…

Ohio State seal

Spring Smells

We (or at least most of us) love the first spring flowers. Purple and yellow crocuses scattered throughout front yards remind us that winter will soon give way to warmer weather and beautiful…