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The Most Important Laboratory Equipment

June 1, 2018

The Most Important Laboratory Equipment

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As graduate students we have the privilege of completing our own ‘wet-work’ for our research projects. There are a lot of adjectives, both positive and negative, that can describe that experience. Despite being mostly awesome, completing your research can sometimes be repetitive and monotonous. Between large experiments, biological, and technical replicates; we can often find ourselves completing a task repeatedly over long periods of time.

This semester I found myself in the midst of the largest experiment of my research career. I had the privilege of examining the roots of 1400 soybean lines.... four times. To stave off  “losing-my-mind” and complete the more repetitive parts of my research, I do what many of us do; put in my headphones and turn on my favorite podcasts or music stations.

For me this includes, RDJ2, Jurassic Five, and Chris Stapleton radio stations on Pandora. My favorite podcasts include The McElroy Comedy Podcasts (‘My Brother My Brother and Me’, ‘Sawbones’, ‘The Adventure Zone’), a sports talk podcast from my alma mater (‘CycloneFanatic’), and interesting stories from ‘The Moth’. More recently, the McHale Laboratory manager convinced me to try Audible at which point I quickly listened my way through ‘Ready Player One’. Sometimes, around 4:30 in the afternoon, Mr. James Buffet’s description of ‘Margaritaville’ may find its way onto the laboratory radio.

With the large experiment I completed this semester, I found myself working through my favorites audio resources quickly, and therefor asked about what other people listen to so I could tap into additional hours of audio entertainment. This leads me to the content of today’s blog. What are the TPS fellows listening to? Maybe you and I can find the next source of entertainment to listen to while completing our research.

The Dave Ramsey Show logo

Ashley Yates has been listening to “From the Heart: ‘Conversations with Yoga Girl’, NPRs ‘Invisbilia’ and ‘This American Life’. In addition she really has enjoyed ‘The Dave Ramsey Show’ about managing your finances.


The Adventure Zone

Alex Turo suggested listening to The Economist, mentioning that it is a great source for unbiased news. When he is looking for laughs, he also enjoys the McElroy products especially highlighting how much fun ‘The Adventure Zone’ is.


Rebecca Kimmelfield mentioned during her research she spends a lot of time at a microscope and had some really interesting suggestions. One of her favorite genres is true crime. In particular she likes ‘Last Podcast on the Left’, ‘Criminal’, and ‘Wine and Crime’. She also really enjoys NPRs portfolio of podcast. For music she listens John Denver and other songs of the folk genre.

Stephanie Karhoff is on topic. She really enjoys listening to Dr. Kevin Folta’s ‘Talking Biotech’, where he has science-based discussion on biotech, domestication, and genetic improvement. In addition she also listens to ‘Live Your Story’, a Wooster, OH based podcast about Science/Ag Communication, as well as other aspects of                                                                                              professional and personal development.

Irene Gentzel, often needs to sort large metabolite profiles and complete calculations in excel. For this job she needs some background noise, but nothing too distracting. For this she turns to Classical Music. She also made sure to mention that good headphones may be required ... laboratory refrigerators can be noisy.

Parker Evans also likes background noise for his long days in the lab. Some of his favorite things to listen to are animated comedies. In particular, he likes to turn on ‘Futurama’ and ‘Rick and Morty’.


Last but not least, Katie D’Amico. Katie listens to the podcast ‘More Perfect’ and ‘Serial’. She also really likes 90s music and how it reminds her of her childhood. I totally agree with that sentiment, as Summer Hits of the 90s is one of the greatest Pandora stations ever created.

Written by TPS fellow Bill Rolling

Photos from:
Dave Ramsey: www.daveramsey.com
The Adventure Zone: www.maximumfun.org/shows/adventuze-zone
John Denver: www.amazon.com/Very-Best-John-Denver
Talking Biotech: www.outsideonline.com/podcasts
Classical Music: www.violinist.com/blog/laurie/201611/20869/
Futurama: www.imdb.com/title/tt0149460/
More Perfect: itunes.apple.com/


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