


American Society of Agronomy Announces 2015 Award Recipient, Stephanie Verhoff

The American Society of Agronomy (ASA) announces the following 2015 award recipient to be formally presented at the ASAAwards Ceremony on 2015-11-16 during the scientific society’s International…

Welcome new TPS Faculty

We are happy to announce the introduction of five new TPS faculty.  

Ana Alonso, Molecular GeneticsEnrico Bonello, Plant PathologyJay Hollick, Molecular GeneticsKeith Slotkin, Molecular…

TPS particpates in Functional Genomic Workshop 2014

2nd year TPS Fellows Irene Gentzel and Rebecca Kimmelfield will be assistants for the 2014 Summer Practical Functional Genomics Workshop.  New TPS Fellow William Rolling will be a particpant…

Field of Corn

TPS GP accepts first class of students

Welcome to our first students entering the TPS Graduate Program Irene Gentzel   Rebecca Kimmelfield

Highlight faculty publication

Faculty publication spotlight: Andrea Doseff, TPS Graduate Studies Committee member and liasion for the Dual-Degree Program. Read article here [Diet] or learn more about Dr. Doseff [Doseff].…

The Ohio State University

Translational Plant Sciences Graduate Program Makes Forbes Article

The Dual-Degree component of the TPS GP is garnering international attention [Forbes Article]. Inquiries can be directed to Donnalyn Roxey at

CHS logo

TPS Student Accepted to Cold Spring Harbor Summer Course

Congratulations to Irene Gentzel for being accepted to the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Fronteirs & Techniques in Plant Science meeting June 28 - July 18, 2013!  Irene will begin her…