You smell like a stinkbug
While maybe not the best compliment I have ever received, other entomologists will sometimes tell me I smell like a stinkbug. They know what stinkbugs smell like, and they assume I smell the way I…
The new age of pre-print publishing
Peer-reviewed publication is a fundamental aspect of science and provides a means to referee research before it is disseminated to the greater public. And owing to their importance, publications…
TPS Fellow Parker Evans wins the Three Minute Thesis challenge
TPS Fellow Parker Evans competed in the Three Minute Thesis challenge as a part of the 2019 Ohio State Materials Week. Evans took first place in the competition with his presentation titled …
Last Thoughts
The past few months have been a whirlwind of packing and writing- followed by lots and lots of editing, as I finished my dissertation and embarked on my next adventure as an OSU Agriculture and…
TPS Fellow Parker Evans to compete in Three Minute Thesis competition
TPS Fellow Parker Evans made the finals for the Three Minute Thesis competition for Materials Week at The Ohio State University. See him present during the competition at 5:00 p.m. on May 7th in…
Katie D'Amico wins 2nd place in doctoral poster competition
Congratulations to TPS Fellow Katie D'Amico! Katie's poster, Profiling Genome-Wide DNA Methylation in Identical Twin Almonds to Explore Aging and Non-Infectious Bud-Failure, won 2nd place in the…